
The past few weeks have been anything but routine for us with the opportunity to do a bit of acting - not a normal part of any shoemaker's life. Our workshops were transformed into even more 'shoemakery' versions of themselves and we spent two days shooting a film - but I don't think Daniel Craig or Julie-Ann Moore need worry!

We've done a bit of stuff in front of the odd camera before, but this was on a totally different scale. The whole of the top floor corridor of Cockpit was full of equipment, there was lighting on the roof, monitors on every corner, hair and make up, some impressive sound and editing equipment and even a stylist - all on site. Then there were the six trucks outside including a catering truck and who knows what more? It was slightly pared back for Gieves - just a crew of 30 or so and three vans....all just to film little old us! Who would have thought it eh? Let's just say it was a trial by fire, absolutely exhausting and obviously, a lot of fun!

Here are a few shots that we took to document some of the experience.

Film, camera, action!

It's all very hush hush and we can't say who it was for, but unfortunately it's not the next Bond!

We'll post more about the film when it is released, but until then a MASSIVE thanks to everyone at Cockpit and Gieves & Hawkes for putting up with our new super-ego red carpet selves, especially Adrian and Carlos!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very exciting stuff, it's Transformers 4 isn't it ! ;)

  3. Yes, it was exciting. Crazy too!Best, jimmyshoe

  4. Congrads! You two totally deserve it! Keep us posted.

  5. Thank you Li Sashay, best jimmyshoe
